Accreditation & Affiliations

Our Qualifications are accepted by many Universities, Colleges & Seminaries

We’re officially Affiliated with Open Christian University and Team Impact Christian University. They are internationally recognised institutions with several links to world known institutions and accreditation bodies. 

Open christian university

Revival Ministerial Studies (RMS) is officially Affiliated with OCU. Our students can be transferred or accepted for OCU programs.

Ballsbridge University Network

OCU / RMS are part of Ballsbridge University Network, an international acclaimed organisation which offers executive education to students worldwide. OCU / RMS credits and degrees are accepted by these universities for the purpose of further studies or the award of a reciprocal degree.

Board of Quality Standards

We are duly accredited by the Board of Quality Standards (BQS), which is an international quality assurance regulator, member of the International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher education (INQAAHE), recognised by many governments around the world. The BQS is a recognized by the EU registry.

International Association of Transnational Universities

We're accredited by The International Association of Transnational Universities (IATU), which is a Worldwide Education Accrediting Network following the GAAP standards of the Boards of Quality Standards. IATU is an association of accredited and globally recognized universities with GAAP standards.

Association of Independent Christian Colleges & SeminarieS

We're a certified member of The Association of Independent Christian Colleges & Seminaries is one of the largest, non-government accrediting groups in the world. AICCS is a non-profit association of independent Christian colleges and seminaries committed to academic excellence, intellectual freedom, ethical conduct, and moral integrity.

International Accreditation Board for the Marketplace Ministry

We're accredited by International Accreditation Board for the Marketplace Ministry (IABMM). IABMM is an independent quality management accreditation and certification body, established to promote quality assurance in Higher education for marketplace ministry.

American Association for Higher Education and Accreditation- AAHEA

We're institutional member of American Association for Higher Education and Accreditation- AAHEA. The American Association for Higher Education & Accreditation (Formerly AAHE) is the oldest association in the United States dedicated to the advancement of higher education. The American Association for Higher Education (AAHE) is an independent professional membership organization that promotes change and reform in higher education.

OCU / RMS is in validated agreement with different government-recognized colleges, universities, institutions, and seminaries from different parts of the world. This gives OCU / RMS the privilege of transferring academic credits to these institutions  for the purpose of further study or the award of a reciprocal degree. 

Below you can find the list of Partner Institutions

Ballsbridge University

OCU / RMS implements Ballsbridge University Curricula for a range of programs. OCU / RMS students are eligible for BU degrees or dual awards regardless of their fields of education.

Business University of Costa Rica

We’ve got an academic collaboration with the Business University of Costa Rica (UNEM) to offer joint degree programs leading to the university specific degrees in different fields of study. Students studying with OCU / RMS may earn dual awards from both OCU / RMS and UNEM.

Crown University (Argentina)

A bilateral agreement between us and Crown University means that  Students studying with either university are eligible for dual or reciprocal degree from another institution.

Grace International Bible University

OCU / RMS and GIBU have entered into an agreement on mutual recognition and issuance of dual degrees. The institutions also agreed on the exchange of resources, faculty and staff. Students who study with either institution may obtain a reciprocal degree or a double degree from another institution or accepted for further studies.

Poma University (Benin)

Our agreement with Poma University concerns mutual recognition for all programs offered at either university. Students from either institution can earn dual or reciprocal award by another institution.

Team Impact Christian University

Our partnership with Team Impact Christian University (TICU) mean we can implement TICU Curriculum. Students completing these programs earn degrees from Team Impact Chrian University. The list of programs offered by TICU can be found on the TICU website.

Pastoral Counselling
Digital Theology
Revival Misniterial studies
Old & New Testament Theology
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